Clip and poster sessionExcept the invited speakers, all the contributions to the Conference will be presentations by Poster, accompanied by a
3 mn mini-communication with one transparency (Clip)
which will announce the main results of the Posters. The author of a contribution should prepare a Clip and a Poster.
The Clip Session will be held on Monday 28 September. The Poster contributions will remain posted during the two days of the Conference. Posters can be prepared according to the usual rules: poster1, poster2. Young researchers are encouraged to present a contribution. The participant who would like to present a poster should send an abstract before September 1st 2015 to colloqueliardet(at) The abstract (pdf) should be at most 1 page (A4). The list of accepted Posters will be available on the conference website. Accepted abstracts will be included in the conference programme.
All the participants will be invited to submit a manuscript to Uniform Distribution Theory Journal. The Editorial Committee of UDT Journal has accepted to publish a Special Issue (in 2016) devoted to the themes of this conference and to Pierre Liardet. The referring prodecure of the manuscripts will follow the standard high-quality rules of the Journal. Details will be given to the participants during the conference. |