The topics of this Conference are at the crossroad between mathematics, theoretical computer science concerned with dynamical systems, number theory and numeration systems. As an Ariadne's thread, it honors the personality of Pierre Liardet and the originality of his works.
Pierre was the first doctoral thesis student of Gérard Rauzy and took peculiar interest in dynamical systems and applications of number theory. In particular he published a remarkable proof of a conjecture of S. Lang. Many of his works are concerned with the application of ergodic theory to number theory, and in particular to numeration systems. He wrote many articles in international journals of mathematics (Acta Arithmetica, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Compositio Mathematica, Journal d’Analyse, Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Journal of Number Theory, Annales de l’Institut Fourier, etc.) as well as in journals of theoretical computer science (Proceedings Eurocode’92, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Annals of Telecommunications, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, etc.), but also in journals of physics (Notes on discrete dynamical systems and quasicrystals in Les Houches Proceedings 1994) and had activities in medicine (Doctoral thesis in Medicine, Journée de Posturologie).
The speakers invited to the meeting, as coauthors of Pierre, will make live again his mathematics and, as he loved to do it, transmit his passion of beautiful mathematics, his energy and his multidisciplinary vision of science. He used to do mathematics in a constructive way and was often inspired by the probabilistic approach to develop his own thinking. Then, he knew how to seek application domains of his discoveries in order to break frontiers and allow transfer of technology.
He was the organizer of the Journées Arithmétiques at Marseilles in 2005. The numerous doctoral theses he has supervised show his broad spectrum of knowledge and interest in many various topics.
These two days will be a unique meeting point to describe and commemorate the rich multi-faceted aspects of his reasearch interests and take interest into the whole set of concepts he has developed.
Poster of the conference (PDF)
